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Working Out

Sylvia A. Howard

What is your struggle today? What are you fighting for? Paul tells us to "Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose." (Philippians 2:12,13) Walking in faith is hard work. It’s hard work dealing with our sin, the sins of others, and basically, just living in this yucky world. But God doesn’t give up on us. He works to sanctify us to do His will and complete His purpose for our lives. So how do we get through the everyday struggles and trials? Can I share with you how I work through my trials and struggles?

1. Identify it.

First, I’m honest with myself and I admit my problem. Don’t ignore it. Satan would love for you to just push all your yuck under the rug so no one knows about it. I think that’s why James said, “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.” (James 5:16) There is freedom in confession and sharing the burden. Don’t be embarrassed or shamed into not sharing your struggle with someone. That’s how healing comes.

2. Write it down.

Find one word to describe your struggle and write it down. There’s something therapeutic for me to write it in big letters and see it written on the page. It’s as if you’resnatching it out of Satan’s hand and putting it in God’s hand. It’s back to the rightful owner.

3. Research it.

I take my word and pull out my concordance and find every time it’s written in the Bible. I look up each verse and write them down one after another on a page. I’m always amazed at how God’s word is still applicable to me today.

4. Mediate on it.

As I read these verses, my heart begins to melt as the power of God’s word brings healing. I open my heart to the Holy Spirit. Sometimes my heart is hurt and even bitter and the Holy Spirit has to knock and even bang at the door, but slowly, I crack it open and let Him in, to do His work; the work that I haven’t got the strength or power to do.

5. Pray it.

Pray the Bible verses you have found over your life. Your prayers can bring them to fruition on your life. Beth Moore puts it this way, “God has handed us two sticks of dynamite with which to demolish our strongholds: His Word and Prayer.”

6. Speak it.

Let the Enemy hear that you mean business. Claim your word. Speak the Word of Truth out loud so that all the spiritual world can hear it. There is power in the spoken word.

7. Burn it into your heart.

Memorize that word and until your struggle is done (this could be days, weeks, months, or years) remember the promises you’ve found to fight your battle.


Live as if God has already answered your struggle. Believe Him for the promise. I know it’s hard. I know what it’s like to want to lock yourself in a room and never want to come out but that’s why you look to His Word and pray. That’s why you claim it.

The fact that God led me to write this tells me there are hurting women out there who needed to read this. That breaks my heart…but I’ve been there. I am there. The wonderful thing about the family of God is that we don’t have to struggle alone. I’m praying for you, even though I don’t know your name. God knows it and He hears us. So, go in peace, sweet friend, and work out your faith today!

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Sylvia A. Howard
Jun 04, 2020

Thank you, Jan! You are precious to me! ❤️


Jun 04, 2020

I read all of your recent posts tonight. What a blessing! Such a comfort to be reminded

that we are not walking this road of life alone. Many of our sisters experience similar

battles daily. Our greatest joy in all of our battles is that God has gone before us and

victory is already ours! May God continue to bless your ministry to our sweet sisters in


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